The Ale alephchamp.jpgph Champion Program

The Aleph Champion Program(c) is on the cutting edge of Hebrew reading today. Modeled after the Karate/Martial Arts motivational system, it works by dividing different reading skills into levels defined bycolor. Students understand that their teacher is a black aleph champion and their goal is to reach that level.  For more info go to: 

First Taste Program 

Ages 4-6 every Sunday for the duration of the scholastic year. First Taste is designed to grab a child's attention with song, art, drama and games. By exposure to the aleph-bet,Torah tales, prayer through song and holiday studies, a child gains a sense of pride and lovefor Judaism.
Annual tuition: $800 (includes supplies/book fee)

Hebrew School 
Ages 7-13 every Sunday for the duration of the scholastic year. This program offers a more advanced Hebrew and Jewish studies curriculum. Students learn to read and write Hebrew and gain an appreciation for the who, what, when and why of Jewish life.  Annual tuition: $800 (includes supplies/book fee) Sunday & Wednesday optional

Alef Tutorial Program
All ages tutoring to help your child grow. Alef Hebrew School is proud to offer a new tutorial program for all Jewish children regardless of enrollment in the Hebrew School. Our one-on-one format allows your child to grow at their own pace,and to receive the undivided attention of a skilled educator. This method of learning has proven to be very successful. 

barmitzvah.jpgBar / Bat Mitzvah

 Ages 12-13, weekly for a year. Prepare your child for the most important day of young adulthood. The transition from child to teenager is an important milestone in any child's life. Give your child the tools he or she needs to properly navigate life as a responsible adult.


Call us today for a no obligation visit at 760-481-7503. During the visit your child can participate in the full program at no charge.